Build an Automation Platform for your industry

... and launch this week.

Like Shopify but for building a niche AI Automation Platform

Shared infrastructure. Shared upside. Minimal engineering effort.

Automation Studio

Let your users build workflows with a visual editor. No code required.
Template Marketplace

Create templates that align with your industry. Share them with your users and let them share too.
Workflow Engine

Run workflows on our infrastructure. No need to worry about scaling.
Secrets Management

Store and manage secrets for your users. Keep their data safe.
Infinite Customization

Build custom plugins in 7 languages. Our servers can run them. The sky is the limit.
Open Source

If we ever screw up or become evil you can always self host. No platform risk. No lock in.

Frequently asked questions

Have fun complicated questions? Reach out to us on Discord.

If its open source how do you make money?
We charge to run the workflow engine and provide other useful services.
Whats a plugin?
A plugin represents one "action" in an Anything workflow.
Whats WASM and why does Anything use it?
Anything plugins are written in WASM. In simplest terms its great new tech to run code from lots of different software langauges making it easier to write plugins for Anything. It also helps make it secure.
Whats languages can plugins be written in?
Currently Rust, Javascript, Go, C#, F#, C, Haskell, Zig & AssemblyScript.